sábado, 16 de junio de 2012



I choose this topic because in  my thesina I am working with task-based activities, for that reason I create this blog this kind of tasks. Also, it is very important to use task-based activities in an English Teaching Class because thay help studetns to develop more vocabulary as well as help them to use the target language unconsiously since task-based have a purpose and a clear outcome,  the students seek to complete the task, studetns use the language and make the class more communicatively.
Finally, Daily routines is a fun and interesting topic for studnets, because they can talk about their own daily routines.

The lesson plan is designed to Children fron 5 to 7 years old and beginners level.

This lesson plan have been specially designed to incorporate the four language skills simultaneously such us reading, writing, listening and speaking. I porvide activities that allow and help students in the development and progress in all areas of language learning. In this lesson plan  I provide some activities that can be used in the classroom to promote all four, because students need them for complete communication.

In this course, I enjoy to learn new things that was unknow for me; for example: the Pressi, how to create a blog, and how to create a voki. Is was very interesting for me. Also, I think that is very important to learn how to incorporate the technology to my English class in order to make more fun it and I have to be aware with the new changes in teaching methodology.

First, it is very important to stay up to day with the new changes of the methods and technologies. The use of technology such us internet, varios computer attachments and software programs can help the learning-teaching in a meagninful way, because it can help to increase students motivation, interaction and encourages them to learn.
The incorpotration of the ICTs in the teaching process is important because it is in our daily lives and according to my experience as a teacher, students love technology.

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